Friday, February 10, 2017

Keep Going

Just got back from C3 conference and as always, it was phenomenal. This year was really cool because my favorite preacher, Steven Furtick, was there. And he preached a message that really spoke to me.

His message came out of Kings where Elisha is dying. He tells the king to get his bow, grab some arrows, and shoot his enemy. He then goes on to tell him to strike the ground. He never says how many times to strike the ground, only to strike the ground. The king, who I suppose had grown weary, stops after 3 times. And that is when Elisha informs him that if he had kept going, even only to 6, he would have been completely victorious. But because he stopped at 3, he will not see victory.

I find it interesting that where he stopped was only half of what he needed to do. And that spoke to me. Immensely. I have to keep pressing on. And maybe right now I am at three. So I am halfway there. Or maybe I am not even that far along. The point is, whether I have struck the ground once, twice, or even three times, it is not time to give up. I am to keep on until God tells me to quit. And HE HAS NOT EVEN HINTED IT IS TIME TO QUIT.

Sometimes I let my own worries, my own fatigue get to me, but I am not doing this for me. I am doing it for God. So quitting is not allowed. I must press on until He says so. And if I do, I will find complete victory.

God has shown me what victory looks like in our context. I know where we have to go. So I just need to keep on doing what He has instructed, and the victory will come. This was such a timely message for me. Even though it gets hard, and sometimes I feel drained, God called me to do it. He knows my limits. As long as I keep responding to Him, doing what He has asked, what He keeps asking, He will give me all I need to keep going. To complete victory. That is assuring. That is comforting. His promise is enough. I know my call. And that is the thing. It is not my call. It is His call. I just have to keep responding. Thank you God for reminding me of that. And thank you for doing it in a voice I recognize as yours. Exactly what I needed.

So now I will keep pressing on. Keep doing as I have been told. Moving forward to fulfill the vision. Forward to 400 and onward to completion. I can’t stop. I won’t stop. It means too much.

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