So it seems the whole world is blogging these days, and I don't want to miss any oppurtunity to make Christ known. I have been using Twitter for a spell now, and while it is a great vessel for a brief statement or profession of faith, blogging will allow for more meaningful thoughts with greater depth. Sometimes I am quite sure that I will get a little zany, as anyone that knows me knows I am prone to be. I don't know if I will ever declare any bold revelations, but it does give me the oppurtunity to express my thoughts on truth.
As a disclaimer, let me just say again, these are my thoughts on truth. All truth is found in God's word. This blog is merely my thoughts on His truths as I understand them. I imagine at times I will write about my family, life, my ministries, or even football, but I would suggest the vast majority of my writings will be about Jesus. Because it is, has always been, and will always be about Jesus. And if you have been around me, then you know you can't be around me for long (usually a few minutes) without me talking about Him.
So given that I am writing tonight from my phone, which is not exactly my favorite thing, I am going to end for now with this... Get ready, because we are going for a ride.
Be blessed!
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